Before the definitive decision was made, De Vlinderboom was given a trial set of a height-adjustable and mobile student desk (AdjusT-Table) and a height-adjustable student chair (RAY Swivel) by Presikhaaf School Furniture. The mobile student desk is easy for children to adjust in height, allowing them to decide for themselves whether they want to sit or stand. During plenary instructions, the children are usually asked to sit behind their desks. The new chairs have a sliding seat that encourage the children to adopt a good posture. Meaning that the upper legs are at a 110-degree angle to the body, the pelvis is tilted and the curve of the spine ensures that the organs have more space. Besides the fact that both the chair and desk are height-adjustable, the pupils can also move them around. This has the added benefit of quickly changing the classroom setup from a traditional train setup to a group arrangement.
A learning environment with room to move and an interior that evolves with your educational vision. Would you like to enrich your learning environment, just as De Vlinderboom has done, and enhance your pupils' learning capacity and maximise their academic performance by using height-adjustable and mobile school furniture? Are you interested in a no-strings-attached consultation with one of our education furnishing specialists to explore what type of flexible and dynamic furnishing would be the best match for your educational vision?