Contemporary and exciting education takes place across the four storeys of the widely accessible R10 building. Fontys ICT is the main occupant of the building. The new building has a very distinctive character and is truly a meeting place that encourages people to cooperate and experiment. It is due to the transparent facades that you can literally see education take place there. Michel van der Zanden, senior project supervisor for housing and facility management at Fontys University of Applied Sciences: “We wanted other programmes to be able to see what is happening inside and to showcase all that is going on. Innovation takes place here every single day! This is something we like to share with the rest of the world, serving as a stimulus to others.” Fontys ICT needed a building in which they could roll out so-called OILs: large Open ICT Labs. Within these open learning environments, innovative education is provided on the principle of activity-based learning. There are now 13 OILs at this Fontys location, each measuring around 400 square metres. The new building also houses the Pulsed programme, where students can discover their strengths and develop their personal and professional creative skills in a relatively short period of time.