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Fontys Pulsed   landscapem

The long-standing partnership between Fontys and Gispen continues. An entirely new building for education and research has risen on the Rachelsmolen campus in Eindhoven. It has been specially designed for students and staff members of Fontys ICT, Fontys Paramedic School and Pulsed. Gispen furnished the entire building and did so according to the circular vision of Fontys; reusing as many furniture items as possible. Quoting client Michel van der Zanden: “Preserve what is already there.” The biggest challenge for us was to deliver everything within schedule in Corona times, which we achieved by working together effectively!

Innovative teaching methods in Open ICT Labs

Contemporary and exciting education takes place across the four storeys of the widely accessible R10 building. Fontys ICT is the main occupant of the building. The new building has a very distinctive character and is truly a meeting place that encourages people to cooperate and experiment. It is due to the transparent facades that you can literally see education take place there. Michel van der Zanden, senior project supervisor for housing and facility management at Fontys University of Applied Sciences: “We wanted other programmes to be able to see what is happening inside and to showcase all that is going on. Innovation takes place here every single day! This is something we like to share with the rest of the world, serving as a stimulus to others.” Fontys ICT needed a building in which they could roll out so-called OILs: large Open ICT Labs. Within these open learning environments, innovative education is provided on the principle of activity-based learning. There are now 13 OILs at this Fontys location, each measuring around 400 square metres. The new building also houses the Pulsed programme, where students can discover their strengths and develop their personal and professional creative skills in a relatively short period of time.

Reusing furniture wherever possible

Ector Hoogstad Architects provided the interior design. Claartje ten Have of Studio Moj, a permanent partner of Gispen, took the design and translated it into colour schemes, materials and products. In terms of furniture, we took our basic agreements with Fontys to heart, ensuring that the uniformity and unity between the different Fontys buildings was maintained. Naturally, all the furniture is student-proof. Project supervisor Lieke van Casteren: “The old ICT building was demolished. We checked all the furniture on site to see what could be reused, such as the scrum tables for example. Some furniture items were reupholstered, including the coach seats. The conference tables, in turn, were repainted and given new tabletops. Examples of new furniture items that were supplied include height-adjustable TM desks with Zinn office chairs, Nomi and Triennial chairs as well as Dukdalf coat racks and tables. Other special additions include Hale chairs by De Vorm, made of recycled PET felt. All the bespoke furniture items were supplied by Meubelmakerij Het Woud – from wall units and pantries to planters.


A fully-worked-out furniture plan

An extensive risk analysis took place before the project took off. Lieke: “All potential risks were mapped out beforehand. We came up with suitable alternatives for products that were difficult to obtain. And we made sure that third parties were involved from the beginning of the project, such as a locker supplier who came to measure the cove in which the lockers were to be installed. Michel: “Our thorough preparations paid off. Almost everything was supplied within normal lead times, which is largely due to project managers Lieke and her colleague Martine, who worked on this project with great enthusiasm and dedication.”


Are you satisfied with the result?

Michel van der Zanden: “Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to make full use of our new building because of the Corona pandemic. We are now using a rotation system. Still, I only get positive feedback from all the users, whom we involved in the project as early as the design phase. I would like to give my compliments to Claartje, who managed to convey all the interior design jargon in basic terms to our staff, allowing us to make important decisions together. In time, other buildings will follow and we will then take all our newly gained experience from this project with us!”




Photography: Claartje ten Have

"Gispen has fully unburdened us in furnishing the new building."
Michel van der Zanden Senior project supervisor Housing and Facility Management at Fontys University of Applied Sciences
portrait of Michel van der Zanden
Michel van der Zanden - senior project supervisor Housing and Facility Management at Fontys University of Applied Sciences

The client’s thoughts

'The furniture that was already owned by Fontys ICT was given a central role right from the early stages of the interior design process. Circularity is very important to us. Gispen fully unburdened us in furnishing the new building. When the project had just started, we sat down together with the interior designer, account manager and project supervisor. Ultimately, it only took us four days to furnish the entire building; 2,500 square metres per storey. By working as a close-knit team, we managed to complete the project within schedule, despite all the challenges and limitations due to Corona.'

Brightlands Center Court   landscapem

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