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Gispen office CE project Alliander in Duiven K5B8801


Sustainable design guides how we design our collection and services. We create timeless design icons with an eye for the future. This way, Gispen furniture can be used 'as new' for generations. And it remains at the Gispen Circular Roundabout:

Circular Roundabout   DownloadLarge

Gispen furniture has a circular design. Because the design is high-quality, timeless and easy to disassemble, we can easily repair or replace damaged parts. Want to know more about the Gispen Circular Roundabout?


Every new circular product that you purchase from us has its origins on the drawing board. We take circular principles into account as early as the design phase. For example, we consciously opt for recyclable materials and build modular products. Are they going into production? From the production process to the method of delivery and maintenance by Gispen - circularity comes first. That is in our DNA. We spread the message of sustainable (re)use where we can. Our suppliers included.
We design (new) furniture in a circular way
SETT CE   landscapem
Gispen moodboards of sustaianable materials


We look for sustainable materials for all products that we develop and realize. We also ensure that the parts and materials of our products can be easily separated from each other. This enables us to quickly and easily repair or reuse furniture from our customers. Sustainable use and high-quality reuse of products and materials are our top priorities.
We use sustainable materials


Does your current furniture no longer meet your expectations? Then we can refurbish it, or revitalize it. Think of reupholstering chairs, replacing damaged desktops or giving furniture another improvement. The furniture is then called REVIVED. We have brought all facilities, professionals and storage space together in the Circular Hub. This allows us to provide you with even faster and more targeted services in the circular field.

We (re)use existing furniture
Gispen TMNL with Revived Product label

Sustainable design together

Do you have circular ambitions and would you like to implement them in your interior design? Gispen is happy to think along with you! You can contact us for a Circular Quality Scan, smart reuse of existing furniture, revitalization of outdated furniture and for new circularly designed furniture. We do everything we can to keep furniture usable for as long as possible, to postpone recycling as long as possible and to avoid waste! How do we implement this? Watch the video and discover the steps in our sustainable design process.

Circular successes

Circular Project Manager, Gispen

Robbert de Jonge

Our customers often think they need new furniture in order to implement a new business concept correctly. Our product designer and I often manage to surprise clients when we present them with all the options for reusing their furniture. These are the days when I come home in a particularly good mood.

I am always searching for new ways to make optimal use of the resources that find their way back to Gispen. Closing the loops is our ultimate goal. Considering all the products we are refurbishing I think it's safe to say that Gispen is on the right track!


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