The circular economy is all about partnerships and chain integrations. Or, in other words, working closely together across the entire chain. How do you ensure that materials can be reused after years of usage by ourselves and others? Gispen makes clear agreements with chain partners and suppliers in order to guarantee this. After all, as a supplier and manufacturer we have considerable influence.
The circular economy is all about partnerships and chain integrations. Or, in other words: working closely together across the entire chain. How do you ensure that materials can be reused after years of usage by ourselves and others? Gispen makes clear agreements with chain partners and suppliers in order to guarantee this. We have control of the entire production chain. After all, as a supplier and manufacturer we have considerable influence. Below you can read all about the various partnerships that we have established over the years. The number of partnerships is growing and is producing great results.
The 100% circular economy is within reach and is necessary - together we will make it a reality!
Every day we get more experienced in the process of circular procurement. Gispen is an active member of the Green Deal Circular Procurement, which we have entered into because we want to be kept up to date with the latest developments but also because we wish to procure in a circular way, of course. The Green Deal Circular Procurement (GDCP) initiative was launched by MVO Netherlands, NEVI, Kirkman Company, Rijkswaterstaat (Dutch Department of Public Works) and PIANOo.
The public and private members of the Green Deal Circular Procurement have made agreements with one another for the promotion of the circular economy. Two circular procurement projects were launched for the purpose of learning from each other's experiences. In 2016, we were set to have integrated circular procurement into our procurement process, policy and strategy. MVO Nederland, NEVI, Duurzame Leverancier, PIANOo and Cooperation Circle Economy are facilitating the participants.
On 28 March 2019, over 30 companies and organisations from the province of Gelderland submitted a manifesto at the Provinicial Hall in Arnhem. The document was addressed to the leaders of the political parties in order to urge them to accelerate the circular economy in Gelderland over the next 4 years.
Various regions, branches and (manufacturing) companies issued a joint message to the party leaders upon the initiative of KIEMT and VNO-NCW Midden. Their request was to allow regional companies take the lead in the transition towards a circular economy, and to facilitate circular investments in the next coalition period by allocating half of the government's climate funds as well as 200 million Euros from Nuon to an investment fund. The first response from Michiel Scheffer (D66), member of the Provincial Executive, to the manifesto: "Environmental awareness has increased considerably and many circular pilots have lauched in recent years. It is now time to scale up."
The transition towards a circular economy offers the society of Gelderland prospect of a sustainable future along with major advantages for both its economy and the environment. In a circular economy, raw materials are reused again and again for new applications, which saves a lot of energy, waste, resources and CO2. This contributes directly to the climate objectives of the province of Gelderland. However, concrete steps towards this goal can only be taken if the companies themselves take part in the process. Small and medium-sized enterprises usually don't allow others to decide for them. Therefore, they have to make the decision themselves. Business processes are leading in this regard. Industrial companies hold a crucial position within a circular economy; they can achieve the greatest impact in order to realise the goal formulated by the Dutch government and the province - counteracting climate change by using fewer finite primary raw materials and reducing waste.
The signatories of the manifesto made a number of detailed recommendations to the political parties in Gelderland. They also offered the party leaders to join forces with the province to implement the recommendations. Gerhard Bos, member of the provincial executive: "In recent years, the political party CDA has been fully committed to accelerating the circular economy. I do realise, however, that we are still at the very beginning of a major task. We thank VNO NCW Midden and KIEMT for this manifesto and the offer they have presented. We firmly believe that we can only make real steps towards a circular economy if we do so together, with entrepreneurs, educational institutions, governments as well as residents."
On 14 September 2017, the circular economy programme from the Dutch government entitled 'Circular Dutch Economy by 2050' was presented to the Second Chamber of Parliament. The programme gives direction to how we can use our raw materials, products and services more efficiently and more intelligently in order to achieve the ambition of making the Netherlands fully circular by 2050. Many circular initiatives are already underway, but we need to do more and it must and can be done faster.
There are many who can and want to play a role in this transition: companies, governments, knowledge institutions, social organisations and many others. It is up to the organisations and those who represent them to take new steps. The Raw Materials Agreement marks the starting point for collaboration. Based on this agreement, the Netherlands is formulating transition agendas that will also be implemented jointly over the next five years. These agendas will make the Dutch ambitions more tangible: what are we going to do in the short, medium and long term? Everyone contributes from their own role, knowledge and expertise.
As the leading innovator in the field of circular interior design, Gispen takes its responsibility through business operations that use as few raw materials as possible while involving its suppliers in the circular principles of reuse. From product design to return flows, we focus on (re)use and functionality, where components and materials are multi-functional, reusable and applicable to our production process. We keep control of resources (products being used by clients) by means of a value approach combined with a proportional incentive in financial models.
Together we can gain experience by sharing our knowledge and expertise!
Learn more about the National Raw Materials Agreement
Gispen is a member of the circular economy platform (CE100) of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, which was established in 2010 to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. Since its inception, this charity has grown into a global thought leader, putting the circular economy on the agenda of decision makers in business, government and academia. Through our membership, we are always at the forefront of circular economy expertise. It expands our network and enables us to collaborate with other C100 members, experts and partners to advance the circular economy.
INSIDE/INSIDE has become the leading central online platform that provides insight into how sustainable, circular and healthy an interior is. Users can select sustainable interior products and materials, obtain detailed information and look up and compare reliable data regarding the environmental and health impact. The output of the platform can be used in tender procedures and certifications. INSIDE/INSIDE is an initiative of Dutch Green Building Council (DGBC), NIBE en Ex Interiors. Gispen is a founding partner.
A few years ago Gispen set up the offices of the social work company. A few years later, this line grew into a beautiful sustainable collaboration. With a beautiful result: large numbers of revitalized Gispen office chairs, hardly distinguishable from new ones, are again usable for years. The seats will have a second life within the Central Government. And the employees of Werkzaak Rivierenland refurbish the chairs with great pride and pleasure. In short, a win-win-win situation.